That's really handy info about the compound rates, is that found on the tyres??
Yea should be on all tyres. Look for where it says Treadwear 280 Temperature AA Traction AA (have a look on the net, it explaines the meaning of them, straight line stopping in the wet and all sorts)
It is very usefull but a 280 on a Toyo woulddnt necessarily be the same as a 280 on a Conti, its not a 100% fixed measurement. the tread pattern will also have an impact on how the tyre wears, for example, do you remember the original Toyo T1s? Big long groves made the tyre wear quickly as they moved about alot, the new T1R was the replacement and to overcome the wear problmes they put 2 groves around the radius of the wheel, this cut the long groves in half making them much more rigid decreasing the movement and inceasing the wear rate, all without changing the compound1 (nerd alert