Hi guys/girls,
I'm hoping someone could help me out and I know many on here are keen photographers. The other half and I are getting married in Santorini next year and have just been let down by the people that were designing/making/printing our invitations.
No one else we can find can offer the same style invites as they could so we have decided to go it on our own. We've had the design drawn (copied

) up by a printer friend of mine using images we supllied to him and he's printed off some samples.The invite size is around 7"x3".
The style is spot on but the image quality is no where near good enough as the images we supllied were of a low resolution (googled), unfortunately all the photos taken when we visited Santorini ourselves were not suitable to use (according to Mrs Apollo to be).
If anyone has been to Santorini and taken any artist/scenery photos and are willing to share them would you mind getting in touch with me. Also if you know of any good websites for hi-res photos could you let me know. In the mean time I'll keep searching too.
Mods feel free to move duplicate this post in the Photography section, just thought it may get more traffic here