Nothing to do with GTIs here. I was in the wife’s cars a Nissan X Trail

driving down an A road today, there was a 17year old Astra in front of me driving quite slowly. The road opens out into a long stretch you can see at least a mile ahead, nothing oncoming, so I mirror, indicate pull out to overtake. As i start to pull past the car it swerves onto the other side of the road causing me to hit the brakes hard

The car then pulls back into it’s lane and I complete the manoeuvre. A couple of miles later I'm waiting at a set of light, he pulls up behind. Furious at nearly being wiped out I get out and ask him to look where he's going only to get told not drive like a maniac and that he was serving to avoid a duck on the road and that I should have seen the duck in front of him.

Maniac - i did everything in the highway code, I was even 5 mph under the speed limit (those X trails ain't quick)
Rant over - had to get it off my chest.