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My Black GTI with one or two mods....

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ive got hertz in the front and focal polyglass V1's in the rear, SO much better than the stock rubbish  :happy2:

soon to be complimented with a 12" sub and amp in the boot  :party:

have you managed to load the speed cameras onto your 900? can't for the life of me work out how to do it on mine

candy turbo:
i would have thought the rear box would be rubbing the valance too cause not much room when fitted corectly , sure you ll get it sorted  :happy2:

welcome fella, nice car :happy2:, was looking in halfrauds today at same headunit as yours-
they want 800 big ones for it :scared:


--- Quote from: Very Cherry on March 07, 2009, 05:16:02 pm ---ive got hertz in the front and focal polyglass V1's in the rear, SO much better than the stock rubbish  :happy2:

soon to be complimented with a 12" sub and amp in the boot  :party:

have you managed to load the speed cameras onto your 900? can't for the life of me work out how to do it on mine

--- End quote ---

Hi Cherry,

Been a bit slack to be honest so not tried. Will let you know if i get anywhere!

Was it hard changing the speakers? or did you get a shop to do it?



--- Quote from: vwrascal on March 07, 2009, 05:21:23 pm ---welcome fella, nice car :happy2:, was looking in halfrauds today at same headunit as yours-
they want 800 big ones for it :scared:

--- End quote ---

You can get it on-line for about £700, its well worth it.



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