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Revo Stage 1, 2 & 2+ on 97 RON?
I know exactly what the issues are, my supercharged Cooper S would only run on 99 Octane, under heavy load anything else would cause it to pink. If you read my original post I can get 97 Super Unleaded, just not 99. I just wanted to know how much BHP / FT LBs I would be missing out on by having the car tuned to 97 RON rather than 99 RON. The car will be used daily and over 15,000 miles a year, due to my locality simply having a car that relies on 97 RON will be troublesome enough, let alone having to worry about Water/Meth along or octane boosters.
Again like I pointed out in my original post, I will fill the car with the fuel I intend to use throughout it's ownership (Jet Super Unleaded 97 RON) each time it's mapped. I'm not going to take it for mapping with 99 RON and then run the car on 97 or 95 :happy2:
I run Shell V-power, have a V-Power card and make sure I enter the coupons for bonus points... this I feel helps towards the cost of 95RON and Vpower...
´Personally i think its a waste of money remapping if ur stuck using 95 RON´
not really, as long as the map is correct for the fuel grade then significant gains can be achieved, just look at some of the figures the guys in the states are safetly echieving on the TFSi with low ron fuel.
Spoke to Carl from Revo yesterday regarding this, he was very helpful and put my mind totally at rest. I won't quote the figures, but the loss of power / torque that I would suffer from by having the car mapped on 97 rather than 99 wasn't much at all, and only really important if you're chasing numbers. On the road you I'm sure you wouldn't notice the difference.
Out of interest PDT it would be nice to see some of these threads you're talking about?
I think I'm right in thinking that in the US they rate fuel by AKI (Anti Knock Index) so our 95 RON would be their 90-91 AKI and our 98 RON would be their 93-94 AKI. That means our 97 RON must be their 92-93 AKI
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