I was contacted through this forum by the owner of this Black Mk5 Ed30 which he wished to have an enhancement detail carried out on, the one we currently have on offer here
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,25335.0.html . Not alot of before or during pictures as i was doing this one mobile and wanted to get cracked on with the job

As you can see from the pictures, it wasnt the dirtiest car on the road, but did suffer from from surface hazing and swirling.
The products used in this detail were as follow
Megs Wheel Brightner
Megs APC
Megs de-greaser
Megs Last touch
Megs all seasons dressing
Megs Shampoo plus
Megs #205
3m yellow polishing pad
Eurow deep pile towels
Victorias concours wax
Poorboys wheel sealant
CG jetseal 109
Werkstat Prot
Dodo juice glass cleaner
Gloss it signature tire gloss
Belgom alu
00 grade wire wool
Ez detail brush
Swissvax wheel brush
Eurow wash mitt
Poorboys deep pile drying towels
Finish Kare #425
AS Tardis
Valet pro yellow fine clay.
First up was the wheels, these were given a power rinse with the Karcher, then sprayed with Megs wheels brightner and agitated with the swissvax brush and ez detail mini ( a perfect brush for pescaras ). The tyres and arches were done with Megs APC and Megs de-greaser. The tar spots on the alloys were taken care of with AS tardis.


(tyres were dressed with signature tire gloss)
Next up was the engine bay, this was given a rinse with the Karcher then Megs APC was worked in with various brushes and microfibres, it was then dressed with Megs All Seasons Dressing, which left this,

Next up was the bodywork, the car was rinsed with the Karcher then soaked in Shampoo plus through the snowfoam lance, while this was dwelling i went round the badges and seals etc with some envy brushes.
The car was washed in the usual two bucket method, rinsed and then water was sheeted over the surface with an open ended hose.
The car was then de-tared using AS tardis, excess tar was removed with microfibre towels, the areas which had been treated were re-washed with shampoo plus.
The car was then clayed using Megs last touch and Valet pro yellow fine clay.
Some from the lower panels

The car was then rinsed down again to remove residue and water sheeted over the surface again and dried using ultra plush poorboys drying towels.
The car was then machine polished using a 3M yellow polishing pad and Megs #205, this gave the desired fininsh and produced the level of enhancement that was needed.
Polish residue was removed using deep pile Eurow towels.
The paint was then sealed using CG jetseal 109, left to sure for 20min, while this was curing the tyres and arches were dressed.
The sealant was then removed and a coat of Victoria concours wax was applied, excess wax was again removed with Eurow towels.
The exhausts were polished using 00 grade wire wool and belgom alu and Megs metal polish.
Glass was polished with Dodo juice glass cleaner.
The interior was given a hover out with Henry and surfaces wiped down with Megs APC, including the half leather seats which had some built up grime. The plastics and leather (which has plastic content) were all treated with Werkstat Prot.
The finished car after a final wipe down with finsih kare #425

and the interior

Thanks for reading, any questions just ask