« on: April 24, 2011, 11:07:08 am »
Well thats a job i wouldnt want to repeat in a hurry. What an arse of a job. In the end i had the fuel pump lines off from the fuel pump to give enough room to get the 17mm socket in the gap. Once i had then out the way the actual valve took seconds to change. Took about one and a half hours to do but well worth the effort. The jingling noise alot of people have complained about including me has completely gone now.
Would it required having my logs looked at and revo adjusted. I didntt think it would but if anyone knows for sure that would be great to know.
Oh and happy easter everyone!

Stage 2+ 280.4 bhp ITG, Revo Stage 2+, decat, hpfp, THS intercooler, THS engine mounts, Pcv revamp, sportline springs, rs4 fuel valve, DS2500 pads and brembo discs, braided lines, ATE super blue brake fluid and more to come