Hi guys,
Last year I installed a copy of the photoshop software in the title, since then I have been playing around with it but something that has constantly frustrated me! All I want to do is photoshop the wheels on my car to a smoked chrome or anthracite finish, if I want to change them to a 'colour' I simply use the paint brush tool using the pipette icon to extract a colour then apply. However when I try that with a more greyscale tone it doesn't work, so far the only way I have figured to achieve the look I'm after (kind of) is to use the free hand selection tool, carefully trace the outline of the wheel, copy then paste as a new image, then alter the colour with the colour changer tool, unfortunately this will colour the caliper also. I then select the finished wheel, cut then paste as a new image over the original picture and drag it in to place............. :S
Sorry, but its really hard to explain the problem, perhaps someone with the same or similar software can complete the task and post a how to?

The picture below shows where I can change from a grey to a colour, in this case the blue areas of the wheels -

Finally this picture is an example I did using the cut, paste colour changer procedure, pretty carp if I'm honest -

Thanks in advance for any help. :thumbup: