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Author Topic: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area  (Read 25351 times)

Offline Sunglasses Ron

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #135 on: July 23, 2011, 04:49:33 pm »
Dom, have you still got oem cooler? This may have something to do with the fact the car's holding back now the warmer weather is here.. Mine was considerably less powerfull (but dyno) in the hot weather compared to winter.. I also had to knock the boost and timing back until it got colder..

In winter (with a bit of octane booster in the tank), me and Rich (Cupra R) did some logs on mine and with a AT of 6oC, I was able to run B9 T8 F7 with no greater than -3 on one cylinder (didn't leave it on that mind you).. In the summer months I was getting -6.8 on B8 T5 F6. So just goes to show you the difference it can make..
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 04:53:38 pm by Sunglasses Ron »

Saint Steve

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #136 on: July 23, 2011, 04:54:21 pm »
Im pretty sure that dip is caused by timing pull Dom.

Found a spot of timing pull when I logged it today  -9!!!!!!!!!  :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

Thats gonna go Bang Bang if you leave that  :surprised:

Any chance of giving more details of engine load, revs, etc.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 04:56:43 pm by Saint Steve »

Offline heavyd

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #137 on: July 23, 2011, 05:02:59 pm »
I'm still running oem cooler, so looks like the Twincooler might be the next on the list of mods!
I've taken that map off now, dont want to risk it, I had said to Dave the last time I was there that there seems to be a lot of smoke coming out of the car with WOT, my tailgate and bumper were constantly caked in black dots, and had quite a heavy oil usage lately :scared: I managed to kick out more smoke on the dyno day than the diesels :signLOL:
I'm supposed to be getting a new map sent out today, so I'll do some proper logging when I get it :happy2:

Saint Steve

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #138 on: July 23, 2011, 05:05:28 pm »

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #139 on: July 23, 2011, 08:15:09 pm »
Why in different gears :confused:

We will test in 3rd and 4th, the gear the car makes more power in is the graph that will be kept.
So you don't go off the closest 1:1 ratio then, which from other vag tuners is i believe is 4th?

Ratio does not make any real difference unless the dyno's ramp rate and inertia value is adjusted to suit the gear used. DynoDynamics uses preset values for these parameters when using shootout mode and 3rd gear generally reads higher figures but some cars will make better figures in 4th. So to dispell any 'dyno day lost horsepower' conversations we test in both 3rd and 4th and provide the graph that makes the highes figures. But very rarely is there is any difference anyway!

On old inertia or coastdown dynos, you can gain 20% or lose 20% easily by selecting different gears. I used a Dastek dyno recently that uses the ancient coastdown method to measure flywheel power, there was a difference of 23hp on a 250hp car between 4th and 3rd gears, then in 5th it lost 12bhp at peak but gained 30+ ft/lb.  :grin:  then by testing in 4th and allowing it to coast down in 3rd we gained 18hp and by tugging the steering to the side slightly during coastdown we gained an extra load of power. Far too many variables.



Offline heavyd

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Re: RR day at PD Tuning on Saturday 16th July- Newcastle area
« Reply #140 on: July 24, 2011, 08:22:50 am »
oh well, no sign of the promised map.....................
Might sell up and buy a 135i or a porsche 996, only going to  cost me an extra couple of grand, and the insurance is the same price :stupid:
Might give up on  modifying cars, although I did find that theres a place 15miles down the road that can give me an extra 75bhp and 100torques for  a 135i :laugh: