I'd never be happy with springs + rear bar so it seems to be a question of taste and what to know. 
I have considered adding a front sway bar. Do you have experience with the mkv with just a rear sb versus both front and rear?
If so, what positions did you set them? Because I thought if I were to do this, I would set the front to the loose or mid setting with the rear
set to the stiffest position. I eliminated the understeer by adding the rear alone and wouldn't want to set the thing up if I were to add the front
where I might over cook every corner. Right now at high speed cornering I have to be very careful not to over cook it. I mean I just barely need
to give the wheel anything to make a corner without spinning the tail out. If there is an improvement to this, then I'm all ears. Meaning if the car
would and can actually perform better, corner flatter, and not scare the tscheidt out of me, I would definitely go for it. Everyone here that I've spoken with
tells me that unless I'm a very experienced race driver then stick with just the rear. Otherwise I'll be spinning the rear out from behind myself.