Hi All
Many thanbks to all of you for your comments here is a quick update a day after this has been brought to the attention of the dealer.
This car was purchased from a uk main VW dealer as an approved uk volkswagen.
The second page of the service book where it says vehicle delivery it is clearly stamped with alnabooda llc dated 16/12/06 <since looked that name up and its in united arab emirates>
The third page says barnstable VW Devon date of first registration 1/5/07 so whats going on here ?
The logbook states first registed 1/5/07 and no mention of being imported ?
I contacted the citezens consumer panel today and they told me the following... the dealer dose not have to tell me if its imported if I dont ask them.. But if I can prove the car is an 06 registred car instead of an 07 then the car has been sold not as described and I would have a case against them. the trading standards have been contacted and are looking into the matter. They also told me to send the dealer a letter telling them what they had done and what I expext from them in a certain time and a copy of this letter should be sent to the finance company as well.
I will keep you updated as to what happens next. and by the way I cant drive it as its noiw not legally covered by the insurance as its got no alarm and its an impoted car which they wont cover.

Thanks all George.