ok...how do we pay daily 
It's the lump sum that's the issue here, and not what it's divided on a hourly basis snoopy 
Transfer into a seperate bank account each day/week/whatever by simply setting up as a standard payment transfer and it won't be a lump in one go. 
I have more important things to worry about transfering 67p a day, everyday, or work out cost pence per hour increase to give someone a witty answer in the 1st place snoopy

Be in and end all, this country is robbing more and more from us all, and if people just roll over and take it, they want us to make calculations on how little the increase is.... but increase after increase just takes the p1ss..
Did you ever own an R32, ?? i remember someone disecting the cost per day on road tax and justifing why it costs so much more over a GTi..
Why should we be forced to look for cheaper transport?? sorry snoopy, this subject is a hot plate in my eyes, and if the running costs of my Ed30 were not an issue, then i wouldnt of purchased a 2nd means of cheaper transport..