General > Old Event Details

JKM Rolling Road Day

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--- Quote from: Top Cat on April 16, 2009, 10:26:22 am ---
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on April 16, 2009, 09:53:33 am ---
No robin that's your hearing  :P

--- End quote ---

 :signLOL:  :grin: :wink:

--- End quote ---

....Did you utter something Fat Top Cat? I didn't hear you. :grin:

Phil Mcavity:
Are you selling up robin??, or putting another make of system on?


--- Quote from: Phil Mcavity on April 16, 2009, 12:17:29 pm ---
Are you selling up robin??, or putting another make of system on?

--- End quote ---


I'm still loving my GTI far too much to part company.

Something else Milltek.

Phil Mcavity:
arhhh, a set of Brass Tubular Bells!!. I know you like your music, but blowing a tune from your rear???  :signLOL:

Hi All,

Just an update for tomorrow. Weather looks to be sunny for us  :smiley:

The running order is as follows:

1. Dieselhead1 - Seat Leon TDi
2. Phil Mcavity - Mk5 VW ED30
3. CocoPops - Mk5 VW ED30
4. Hedge - Mk5 VW ED30
5. DomT – MK5 VW Golf ED30
6. Golfgirl - Mk5 Ed30
7. nb07 – MK5 VW ED30 DSG
8. RedRobin - MK5 VW Golf GTi
9. Rye - Mk5 Golf GTi DSG
10. sharpey - MK4 VW Golf 2.0 gti
11. alexs- MK4 VW Golf 1.8t
12. p6urobmw - MK 4 VW golf 1.8T
13. LukeG - MK3 VW Golf VR6
14. Daveiow- Mk7 Polo Gti
15. HTC – Audi A3 1.8T
16.Jobe_rob - Mk4 VW Golf TDi150 (if he can make it)

Please ensure you are all here for 9am to sign in.

Look forward to seeing you all



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