A useful hour or two
The car has now moved to matched front camber at just less than 2 degrees, it was close but slight differences between left and right. Toe now straight ahead and a small correction to rear toe.
Rear camber adjusted down to 1.5 degrees neg (to reduce understeer). The ride heights measured at 335F and 322R. I will probably lift to 340F and 325R this was my target but adjisting cambe then affects ride heights. The geometry will not be affected by a few mm of ride heigh adjustment.
I will also continue to experiment with damper settings and also try different roll bar settings.
The settings of Front ;
2 degrees neg (1 deg 55 mins)
zero toe (parallel)
8 degrees 23mins caster
PSS10 3/10
Roll bar soft
1.5 degrees neg (1 deg 29 mins)
13 mins toe in (L 6 mins, R 7 mins)
PSS10 4/10
Roll bar hard
All other checks showed the car close to spot on (set back, lateral offset etc)
So far the car feels a little less fidgety, better balanced and less 'front fighting back'. Les understeer and better directionality and confidence.
Not perfect yet, but getting there