Chaps, I have done some measuring and I have found the wheel position is notably different with longer bottom arms
Roughly adding 1 degree of negative camber will have the following effects :Tyre outer edge at the top of the arch will move out by approx 3mm an 14mm at the bottom. The track will increase by 18mm (9mm a side) , the front ride height will drop by 5mm.
Adding 1.5 degress of neg (circa 2 degrees total) :
Tyre outer edge at the top of the arch will move out by approx 5mm an 21mm at the bottom. The track will increase by 26mm (13mm a side) , the front ride height will drop by 7.5mm.
The thread on the control arms is sufficient to cope as the track rod ends will neat to be wound out by a similar amount to the track.
I will see if I can purchase ET50 8 x 18's as the wheel does touch the inner arch occasionally under hard cornering and encountering a bump mid corner. I have ET45 8x18's currently
With circa 2 degrees of neg with ET50's I will be running a front track increase of circa 24mm, 12mm a side