Little update..
Had the car down @ DMS on Friday afternoon to give it's ECU a little tickle here and there. Choose DMS for a number of reasons, main one being that i've yet to here a bad word against them (including customers from all over the world who have payed for Rob to travel over to them

) and know a lot of people who have dealt with them and been more than happy. Plus after meeting Rob when he came and did my Dad's X5 the other week, I spoke with him in depth about my car and after listening to his extensive knowledge the decision was made.
It was a long drive to their premises in Southampton. but i'm soooo glad I went. The machinery this guys deals with is simply

Ranging from cars like mine to all AMG Mercs, BMW's and just about every Porsche you can think of including a 868bhp Porsche GT2 . He is also trying to persuade one of his mates/customers to buy a Veyron so he can bring it upto Supersport spec..

Some snaps from outside his premises and you'll notice his next door neighbour deals with some half decent stuff too..

Anyway, after the ECU was out and flashed, she was put on the rollers to see what difference it made...

The car was RR'd at Dave's (PDT) the other week when standard and we were running thin on time with me having to get home, so didn't do a 'before' run. But once done the results were as follows..


Car feels much much stronger and the difference seems a lot more noticable than when I had my LCR and Ed30 first mapped (they may of taken longer to adapt though)..
So all in all a very happy customer

Now to see what she'll do @ Pod when I decide to run her..