thats similar to what mine was doing with regards to boost. creates a very erratic power delivery. Stage 1 was good if a little underpowered, stage 2 was really bad. stage 2+ improved on stage 2 by quite alot but was still lacking in the delivery and outright power.
Quite a few guys had issues with bluefin on the K03 TFSI when they went to stage 2, a good 4 of us on briskoda ended up changing tuner eventually which slved the issue.
Not sure why it is, the map on the Ed30 K04 GTI seems to be really good, but the K03 is really pants. I took logs and all sorts of mine and was sendin them to superchips to get the map adjusted.
The deal breaker for me was when i mentioned the guys with other remaps were easily getting 300lbft, yet mine at stage 2+ was only managing about 270lbft, theyre response was anything getting over 300lbft is at risk of snapping the camshafts. They lost me at that point