Really sorry to hear about your situation dude

Thankfully no-one was hurt etc in the robbery. Cars are easily replaced

Few years back, my house got broken into and the person actually came upstairs snooping around whilst family was in bed, wife woke up and actually seen the person walking around on the upstairs landing just outside the room where our niece was sleeping in but on the lucky side, we have rottweilers that are very protective, once commanded they chased the person back downstairs and out the window they came in.
Nothing ever came back regarding it

Just shows how many Fu*king Ar*eholes are out there, sickens me

I would shoot everyone of them if I had the chance, well kinda lol
In my job I'm expected to fight wars and kill terrorists etc and all that jazz meaning I'm doing a good thing but then if someone breaks into my house and threatens my family and I hurt them, its against the law, Fu*king pathetic!
Rant Over

Hopefully you'll receive news soon dude