Well I went back to the garage today. The visit went like this, introduced to the monkey of the place.....explained the problem....I was told they have a policy not to change the camber and caster on my car......I asked what I was paying for........twenty minutes later (after they had setup the Hunter alignment machine) he tells me that he can't change the caster and camber "as you can't do it on the Mk5".....I then firmly stated,

that by loosening the subframe bolts you can get a bit of movement to put the caster and camber back as it should be. He then went off the talk to the workshop manager..............
He then comes back and says I was only booked in for a 30 min slot so can I come back another time..........so I'm getting rather p**sed off now.... so I told him that it's their fault I'm back there, as they did not do the job properly and he had two choices.....A - give me my money back or B sort out the problem today.
Now I get to talk to the workshop manager, who asks have the wishbones been changed......I explained that I have told them twice now to two different people that YES they have been changed. He then agrees to "have a go" and putting it right but he is "not going to get involved in subframe problems"......

Anyway after an hour and a half later I see that he has given up with the adjust method and has started to move the subframe.....result!
I left feeling happy with the settings and the workshop manager was actually very good, (once I had convinced him that I was not going to leave until it was sorted)

Result = The car drives much better and I am happy with the end result