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Author Topic: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab  (Read 4072 times)

Offline Janner_Sy

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Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:48:52 pm »
right im getting a tablet, but the question is which one an why?  what would you say are the pros and cons of each, and what would be your choice.

For me i dont want to have to convert music or film for them to work, i just want to upload and download as and when i wnt without being ted down to say ITUNES for instance.

needs a good long lasting battery, with a quick recharge, needs to be able to be typed on relatively easily, good with surfing the net, and be easily used with PDF files and excel etc.  Also would be ideal if i could ad in USB or SD cards for additional memory and adding/removng files. 

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2011, 10:52:04 pm »
iPad is expensive but they hold value pretty well and are a market leader for a reason. I looked at the others but opted for the iPad2 in the end as I knew although I would be happy with the others I would kick myself for not getting one.

Saying that I did want it for slightly different needs - one being a video player and the kids style apps for my son when we travel.

Only got mine last Saturday and used it everyday so far for something or another, the wife was doing hte weekly shop on it yesterday!

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 10:52:39 pm »
Well scratch the iPad off then

without being ted down to say ITUNES for instance.

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2011, 10:54:13 pm »
I did think that, really rules that one out yourself.

It is a shame but not like you have to sync it daily.  If you have a DLNA server in the home you can stream music/video direcly to it with an app.

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2011, 10:56:55 pm »

From what im reading they are saying the Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) seems to be superior to the IOS in pretty much every way.

Thing i have noticed with the Ipad though is that you need to use ITunes, you cant use adobe, you have to use their version, you have to use their video player(quicktime iirc) and not the one you want to etc etc

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2011, 11:04:34 pm »
I got my Ipad2 today and have to say that I am thoroughly loving it so far, can't comment on the competition as I haven't try any of them in much detail. It was the positive feedback that I had received from so many friends that made me take the plunge.

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2011, 11:04:56 pm »
I watched something recently where the Samsung one was reviewed, they said it was in a different league to the other two (albeit a bit buggy, so will need to wait to iron that out).

The iPad2 whilst a fantastic device, when you look at what you use it for, it has all the bits of Apple that annoy people. Too locked down, not very interface friendly.
Sideways yo!

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2011, 11:17:02 pm »
I watched something recently where the Samsung one was reviewed, they said it was in a different league to the other two (albeit a bit buggy, so will need to wait to iron that out).

The iPad2 whilst a fantastic device, when you look at what you use it for, it has all the bits of Apple that annoy people. Too locked down, not very interface friendly.

Have to agree to a degree, it can be quite annoying - I tried setting the restrictions the other day to find out its either on or off, I was hoping it just wouldnt allow something unless you entered the pin rather than removing it all together unless turned back on - not great for little fingers clicking things !

Like I said though mine is just for general browsing, video playback and a few apps really - bloody expensive for that but what the hell eh  :grin:

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 11:50:41 pm »
Ruling out an ipad based on itunes I would go for the Motorola xoom. In my line of work I am fortunate to try most new emerging technology and I have to say that the Galaxy tab wasn't that quick, obviously both the xoom and tab are android based. Think the xoom is a better platform. Big plus is the microSD storage too, am not one to get hung up on camera specs for tablets - don't think it's necessarily key functionality for most users. Worth having a read of this review of the xoom if you've not alreay Sy.

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 09:55:42 am »

Thing i have noticed with the Ipad though is that you need to use ITunes, you cant use adobe, you have to use their version, you have to use their video player(quicktime iirc) and not the one you want to etc etc

Not wanting to iTunes is odd? It starts up the second you plug the iPad in and allows you to do everything (music, video etc) in one go.

I use VLC player on my iPad so no conversions needed and syncs a whole movie in around 15 seconds. I send my magazines and books into ibooks, all music files are supported so thats no issue and you connect a HDD to an iPad (not sure about the iPad2 though) Flash is a massive battery drainer and i have never missed it.

It sounds like you talking yourself out of an iPad, which is cool as the others do the same thing, but the iPad is a market leader for more reasons than just marketing. The other tablets copy the iPad and do it well, but they dont do it as good. Touchscreen on the others is cumbersome, the xoom has a quite a few flaws (power button on the back is a minor one but shows its not a polished machine) and the galaxy tab is quite slow and clunky.

If you can get to a best buy they will have them all set up to play with  :happy2:

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2011, 11:03:01 am »
Ah yes, I have tried other touchscreen phones before the iPhone and you just can't beat the apple touchscreen technology.

You got an apple shop near you?  I'll do you a deal on the gift cards I have - save you a couple of quid ;)

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2011, 07:21:16 pm »
Ipad is too much like an overgrown iPhone with the current IOS which is starting to look dated

Tried to persuade myself twice to get an iPad after loving the iPhone but not different enough for me, at the end of each of each session I just thought Meh

Xoom, has a new firmware 3.1 out in the US and due here soon, you should be able to plug your camera directly into the Xoom and upload photos, but still doesn't have the microSD card support working yet

Love my Xoom, but its not complete yet, no SD support yet, still a bit buggy, the native apps crash more than I'd like, no native books app, but Kindle has been released for tablets and looks superb

Limited apps designed for the huge display of the Xoom, most Android apps still expect a phone sized screen

BUT I don't need to use iTunes to sync files with it.

and the Xoom does FLASH  :pomppomp:

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2011, 07:33:46 pm »
Although the iPad may be lacking in a few areas it will be the winner in the end. So many apps being developed for it and Flash is not missed really. The resale value will be higher as there will be a new one out every year for the next decade. Agreed with above use VLC player and you won't have to convert. You can get USB and SD adaptors to play with and you can use the apple wireless keyboard if you want to type up an essay. Apple has cornered the Market massively and I wouldn't trust RIM or Samsung just yet.

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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 11:35:39 pm »
BUT I don't need to use iTunes to sync files with it.

You don't have to use iTunes (although I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't) with an iPad or iPhone either.  :wink:

Try Copytrans, or one of the many other programs out there.

And that's the thing with iPhone and iPad, whether you like it or not the software (apps)  and hardware support, official and otherwise, is massive compared to the others.

Loads of info about jailbreaking etc here.


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Re: Ipad2 Vs Motorola Xoom Vs Samsung Galaxy Tab
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2011, 09:53:15 am »
Someone at work has the Asus thingy, Its heavy and from what i can see clunky...when you pick up the ipad2 it ooozes class, everythings just now is playing catch up. But after 5 years of apple ownership, I guess I am now officially a fan boy.