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Author Topic: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011  (Read 7350 times)

Offline scooba

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Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:07:19 am »
I was just reading all the comments being aired at Bournemouth , then read the comments added by joe public, Have we become a nation off Police haters ?, What do we expect from our officers,I admit I speak to lots due to work and some do have very strange ideas but most do seam pretty normal whatever that is today.

Offline SO8

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 10:16:46 am »
Speaking as one ... yes, sadly I think people are all too keen to focus on negative stuff generally.

I find people expect 100% rightly ... but when they only get 99% (as everyone is human and miracles don't happen!) the public now focus on that 1% and totally forget the 99% that is good.  I think that is a problem with our society which starts in schools and has got silly.  People just don't want to accept responsibility for their own actions - no matter how stupid.

It seems impossible for the police (and many, many other organisations) to do things right - given Mr Blair introduced I believe more than one new law a day for all the time he was in power ... officers are simply overwhelmed.  

I have never experienced (in 22+ years of being a police officer) such a disgusting attitude from people.  When someone has been beheaded in a car crash and you get people moaning about why can't the police just shift the body and chuck the bits into a bag at the side of the road I am lost for words .... people follow up such comments with 'well, of course I am sorry for the family' ... but they are not.  They are more bothered about getting to work.  People's attitude stinks.  20 years ago I never heard people with attitudes like today.

It is seriously depressing - I for one just do things the best I can and am happy 'most' of the time I am doing it well.  I get stuff wrong like everyone .... but do believe the Police now are 'better' than they were when I joined and more reasonable.  They are though tied up by protocol and rules + laws that mean many things can seem odd and stupid to the general public.  20/20 hindsight is a wonderful weapon to use and sadly it is used to slap you round the face for the 1% errors.

CSI and the like doesn't help people's expectations of what can be done in investigations - TV shows are not, sadly, reality ... but people do actually believe this stuff !   A minor scuffed panel in a Tesco car park or glass from a smashed headlight where the other car failed to stop will not get the offenders paint or glass sent to a lab for analysis ... it costs huge amounts of money, needs authorities you won't get and doesn't give the results people think .... yet they expect this.  People want officers to turn up to stuff .... I know I do if something happens .... and it is what I used to do years ago .... but now the officers are buried finishing off yesterdays paperwork to cover their behind before the next job ... society has created these problems ... and I don't know the answer  :confused:

I could go on but my blood pressure will go up and you lot will get bored  :grin:

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 10:25:09 am by SO8 »

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 10:39:27 am »
People seem to resent being caught and punished for doing something they know is wrong, go figure? They also don't seem to realise that it's the Government that makes the laws, the Police just enforce them.

I am massively pro-Police. I have a real problem with the anti too, they're generally feral scumbags who fail to realise if they weren't out committing so much crime, the Police might have the resource available to go hunting their little Chardonnay when the local nonce who has gone undetected because of said resource being tied up with their crime nabs her.

If people spent more time supporting the Police, instead of fighting against them, this country would be in a much better state. Respect is due to all people who sacrifice themselves to protect others.
Sideways yo!

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 10:44:08 am »
Unfortuately most people on have dealings with the police for two reasons.  They have either been the victim of a crime(and its not be addressed as quickly or as efficiently as one would like) or are being persued for committing one(without any suspicion of innocence!).

My own personal opinion of the police is that they are relatively easy going and will give respect back to person if it is given to them. It must be hard dealing with the more problematic elements of society on a daily basis and I myself wouldnt want to attend some bagheads run down home with needles everywhere every other day as my "job"

It is a shame however that so much money and publicity is put into road traffic policing - IE performace unmarked cars(no problem with marked cars), speed cameras positioned purely to generate revenue and the overzealous enforcement of minor infringments such as numberplates with a D on!(personal to me  :signLOL:)

Its hard sometimes to remember that there is a person beneath that uniform and that is something I always try to keep in mind whenever I am having a "chat" with an officer.

The police to me are like streetlamps - useful to have around although they get in the way occasionally but I wouldnt want to be one!!  :signLOL:

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 10:55:22 am »
Performance cars ie Lexus IS-F and Evo type stuff are actually quite rare.

My traffic unit has two unmarked car out of 22 vehicles ... and they are both diesel.  Infact all our cars are diesels ...

As for number plates .... guess where having them as a target came from ....   It was only for a short period but this 'direction' happens a fair bit from above.  The officers do what the chief officers ... home office .... government direct.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 11:07:46 am by SO8 »

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2011, 11:25:04 am »
People don't generally tend to complain when that unmarked performance car was the one that chased their car and caught the scumbags who broke into their house and took the keys whilst holding a knife to their wife's throat.

You only have to watch the documentaries to see how useful and important these cars are to the Police, they are a tool for a job - they're not bought for fun.

Speed cameras wouldn't be needed if people didn't speed.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 11:29:01 am by tony_danza »
Sideways yo!

Offline gulfstream11

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2011, 12:29:25 pm »
The Two officers who visited me last Thursday,were professional and extremely knowledgeable.When CSI turned up my wife was a bit miffed he did'nt look anything like Grissom. :signLOL:

But its nearly a week now and I have,nt had a return call/phone call.. Maybe I'm expecting too much but this has never happened to me so I dunno.

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2011, 12:44:23 pm »
My guess is they'll be out hunting it. When a mate's R36 went, they didn't say much for the first few weeks and then as time went on there were a few updates.

The best update was when they caught the lads involved during an armed blag, he got a letter advising they'd got 10 years... they weren't caught with an unmarked Astray TDI either.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 02:12:22 pm by tony_danza »
Sideways yo!

Offline Boothy

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2011, 01:47:43 pm »
Personally I find only the older generation respect the police for the most part. Partly because they were brought up when times were hard and you learnt to just get on with stuff and secondly because if you got cheeky with a copper you got a clip around the ear!
 I'm not saying we should be allowed to open a can of whoop arse every time somebody answers back but there should be some legislation that allows us to deal EFFECTIVELY with people who are disrespectful. I know its part of the job but I've been called everything under the sun and been injured numerous times by scrotes. When you get them to court they get naff all and half the time CPS can't even be arsed running it because 'its part of the job'.
 If you don't punish someone for being disrespectful why would the stop? There should be a certain element of fear that if they get in the way then they get the book thrown at them.
 Even good upstanding plebs eyeball me when I'm driving about and thats because they know we won't hit back.

It is difficult updating victims all the time too. It needs doing but when your looking into about thirty crimes at any one point you could sit in the office half the day just updating people with tiny insignificant facts.

Offline SO8

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 01:52:17 pm »
It is difficult updating victims all the time too. It needs doing but when your looking into about thirty crimes at any one point you could sit in the office half the day just updating people with tiny insignificant facts.

 I couldn't agree more ...

Offline Boothy

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2011, 02:05:46 pm »
I think when your a victim even the theft of a garden gnome is heinous but when your dealing with genuinely serious stuff you forget that I think? There rises the problem about updating people as what officers and the public see as serious are too different things and the only way you get the outlook of an officer is to be be one in my opinion.

We do try though  :smiley:

Offline DMcG

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2011, 02:18:55 pm »
SO8 what force you work for? Kent by any chance?

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2011, 02:32:27 pm »
i had a lovely traffic cop spend half an hour outside my house last night after following me with blues on up my street. I carried on up the street then  pulled onto my drive

my mum had gone past me and i was waving like an idiot just as she'd gone past, looked like i was doing it to the under cover traffic cop so he came after me,  and pulled me for a 3/4 sized number plate,

fair enough but half an hour, gave me a ticket, quized me, as on our garage wall inside due to us  all having private plates there are our old number plates so he thought he'd found bin laidens cave by seeing them, thought I was steeling cars, got out took pics of my plate, to send to the dvla. Took the details of my dubmeister legal pressed plate as he said that was also illegal. Said he didnt know how we could afford the cars at the house and demanded to know how much i pay for my golf each year since i have had it for insurance, alot was not satisfactory he wanted figures.

had a look around the car told me he liked it after initially been very off. While i was in his car, his wife rung, he answered while still belted up with the engine running, if i felt like i wouldnt have got into any more trouble id have said something about that as if he saw me do that he'd probably have given me three points.

Then once i had left, he was straight back onto the phone to the wife for another 20/25 minutes. Nice waste of time for him, again still with engine running etc.

Offline Boothy

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 02:46:09 pm »
Trust no one in our job mate  :innocent:........seriously though some people give the job a bad name.

Whats the name on the ticket as I'll probably know the officer?

Offline liver

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Re: Police reforms and revenge Bournemouth 2011
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2011, 02:54:17 pm »
he was fair enough with me, i was more than ok with him, saw him 5minutes later with 3 bikers on the dual carridgeway by the red kite, which is where he pulled me, just up behind the new in pub, id come off the red kite round about

if i'd to rate his policing it would be around 6/10 just for his attitude at the start and asking how i could afford the car, when he didnt ask what my occupation was or anything

not sure just checked my wallet where i thought the ticket was and its not there, hope its at home.

will check my ticket when i find it at home, he was balled, white, about 6 ft2, medium build, mid 40's, grey 58reg 5 series estate