What are the issues around B'mouth? I lived there for two years without incident!

Generally speaking, people these days are of the "consumer" type - they want xyz without abc, despite the fact that you can't. They want other "dangerous" drivers off the road, but get aggrieved if they get pulled over for doing something themselves.
The other problem is Govt and their stupid targets. Interpretation seems to be that pulling over motorists for offences generates higher figures than burglaries etc where time and effort is required. This is what's being spread by the media and the largely uninformed, general public lap it up like kittens to a saucer. Just as naive too.
I have never experienced (in 22+ years of being a police officer) such a disgusting attitude from people.
As above, they want the entire world fawning after them but when others need the attention, they kick up a fuss. Selfishness and lack of respect.
CSI and the like doesn't help people's expectations of what can be done in investigations
Judges and expert witnesses have often commented on public expectations which are fed by semi-fantasy shows such as CSI.
I am massively pro-Police.
+1. Wouldn't do their job!

Unfortuately most people on have dealings with the police for two reasons. They have either been the victim of a crime(and its not be addressed as quickly or as efficiently as one would like) or are being persued for committing one(without any suspicion of innocence!).
Personally, I think it's a case of he who shouts loudest gets heard. Hence, Mr Bloggs gets on the cover of the Daily Wail because the police didn't get catch a baddie, but the police don't get any mention when things go right.
Personally I find only the older generation respect the police for the most part. Partly because they were brought up when times were hard and you learnt to just get on with stuff and secondly because if you got cheeky with a copper you got a clip around the ear!
+1 for this too. The older generation were brought up more stoically rather than the whiny little brats that current society is. Completely agree that some degree of "come back" would help deal with it but it's not going to happen. Same with teachers being bullied by pupils and can't do anything to discipline them. Parents often expect everyone else to do their job for them!
Dealt with an Indian male last week
One of the worse, and you can't call me racist! There are big issues with patriarchal family systems which just do not work IMO, especially in this country.
Of the one time I had to deal with the Police, it was fine, though a bit puzzling. If any of you know the Shell garage by the university in Southampton, you'll know it's right next to campus and next to some traffic lights. I pulled out and did so a little quick because the lights had just changed and traffic was oncoming. Didn't fancy waiting five minutes until it'd calmed down. Right at the front was a police van. I turned into the campus and the van kept following. Thought "oh $hit!" and turned to cut through some buildings to head to the houses at the back of the university. Van followed me down and I thought they're definitely following me. Pulled me up at the top of my road and they thought I'd pulled out a bit fast from the petrol station. My insurance had just been renewed and they couldn't pick it up on the MID. They were going to give me a producer but I asked if they'd follow me home and I could give them the documents. They were happy with this. No other problems and they were very polite throughout. Was just a bit frustrated since I was in a 1.25 fiesta at the time! But they were very courteous and professional so can't really complain.