Well, just spent 2 days in hospital as i went to the doctor at 10am on Thursday and by 10.40am I was in the admissions assessment unit

Not quite Labyrinthitis.
Still dizzy with headaches, but also have a weakness in my right leg and arm, reduced feeling and my right leg shakes when I try to use it.
MRI scan of my head shows that I can confirm that I have a brain and the good news is that they couldn't see anything wrong with the head scan. Bad news was that on Friday they gave m e a lumbar puncture (they stick a big needle in your back and drain spinal fluid out for testing

). Now home again but have to go back for a"c-section" MRI scan and other tests on Monday. The physiotherapist gave me an exercise to do and a few tips on how tosafely manage steps.
God knows how long I'll be out of action, but hopefully it is shortlived as I'm not allowed to drive (and couldn 't anyway).
Good job I'm left handed eh!!