General > Detailing
Hello from Dave KG
Dave KG:
Hi folks, 182_blue contacted me over on Detailing World about putting some of the guides I have written in the detailing section which I was more than happy to see posted :) I thought I'd pop over for a look and see if I can help anyone with any detailing queries that they may have.
Have been an enthusiast detailer for a few years now, and enjoy teaching and demonstrating to others the techniques of detailing so perhaps one day, a little meet for forum members wanting to learn how to detail could be organised, who knows? :) In the meantime though, I will happily help out with any queries from what shampoo to wash with to how to wetsand, and any product reviews that I think will be of interest to you, I'll post up :) (I stress, I dont sell detailing products, I am simply an enthusiast who enjoys detailing!)
I dont own a Golf :surprised: ... but hopefully I'll be able to share some useful detailing tips :)
hi mate, glad you came over, if you can think of more guides post them up, also perhaps post some of your amazing details
hey welcome to the site!! :drinking: you sound like you know what your talking bout, and a forum meet for some tips would be fun! as im always wantin to lern new stuff to do with detailing as im just really starting out.
what car you got then?? any pics of some of the stuff youve done :jumpmove:
Good to see you here Dave. May just be asking you a few questions :happy2:
Hi Dave,
Thanks for droping by :happy2:.
It's great to have any input you can share on detailing and hopefully next year when the weather improves we will definatly try to sort out a few meets.
Steve :smiley:
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