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I know its not a golf, but..........

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--- Quote from: animal on March 13, 2009, 12:57:28 pm ---Lovely looking car, I love the black optics kit - but have you see how much it costs on the options list at Audi?! I really like the A3, if don't end up with a GTi, it may well be an S-tronic 2.0T A3.

Does the Lamin-X not adversely effect the performance of the headlights? They look really dark.

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i think it takes about 10% of the brightness (from what i remember), so not much really.  :smiley:

Top Cat:
I had Gazbut behind me on the M6 last weekend and he has this mod, and they still looked very bright, he does have xenon's though i cant say what they would look like like on standard lights. I was surprised at how bright they looked, when i had a blimp in the service station they did look dark up close.  :smiley:

matt a:
That is a really nice looking car Tom, with some really nice mods, esp the black grille and shorter plate holder.

Looks very nice. I thought replacing the chrome bit of grille with a black one would look nasty but it's come out well.

Looks a bit orange though. Is that what it really looks like or just the camera?

matt a:
Ive been thinking about getting an A3, and the black grille would be the first mod i'd do tbh.  :happy2:


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