Thanks for all the comments guys

I took the misses out last night, so being all excited about the coilies we went in my car. What a difference they have made

The car drives completely different. It is quattro all ready so it did not handle too bad without the coilies but now....its like it is on rails. It really is crazy how fast you can take some corners and the thing does not twitch at all

The ride feels exactly the same as before, I was expecting some spine shattering moments when hitting a few potholes last night but the coilies took them all in their stride

I cannot recommend the AP's enough. I am told that they are exactly the same as the FK Highsport coilover they have just been rebadged. The FK's are £470

. I know there may be many doubters because of the price of them but they really are great. Off to go and play some more now