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Author Topic: service soon  (Read 765 times)

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service soon
« on: June 02, 2011, 05:04:17 pm »
Hi guys

I thought I was due a simple service this time, my car is on T&D and was last serviced 18/06/2010.

It is a 09/2005 (55), MY06 GTI having completed 53,000 miles.

The garage however want to conduct a larger 60,000 mile service, due they say to the age of the car, for this Arnold Shark wants £204.47. The other option open to me is that they do the 50,000 mile service (they say) for £129.00. I will check back on my service book later to confirm what was done last year, I think it was the larger service.

I think to be safe I will just give her a good seeing to, but I do have a big family holiday at the end of the month coming up....