My mates got one, he must have replaced near enough every nut and bolt on the thing and has spent fortunes but now its a mint condition perfect example of a classic. The interior and build quality isnt anywhere near the newer vw, or the newer fords for that matter, but when your in it it feels wild, and goes brilliantly. His is tuned to about 300 horse, fully polybushed, coilovers, arb's, uprated everything and it holds the road, puts the power down pretty well considering and is a fast 300bhp, and with running a charge cooler rather than a front mount theres much less lag.

Looks the busines, awesome colour and goes well, but it just depends what your into. His was pretty unreliable when he got it, but hes a ford machanic and has replaced everything, hes actually looking to sell it soon

Wants a new challenge! Id go for it, one of those cars you need to experience!