Hi folks, 182_blue contacted me over on Detailing World about putting some of the guides I have written in the detailing section which I was more than happy to see posted :) I thought I'd pop over for a look and see if I can help anyone with any detailing queries that they may have.
Have been an enthusiast detailer for a few years now, and enjoy teaching and demonstrating to others the techniques of detailing so perhaps one day, a little meet for forum members wanting to learn how to detail could be organised, who knows? :) In the meantime though, I will happily help out with any queries from what shampoo to wash with to how to wetsand, and any product reviews that I think will be of interest to you, I'll post up :) (I stress, I dont sell detailing products, I am simply an enthusiast who enjoys detailing!)
I dont own a Golf

... but hopefully I'll be able to share some useful detailing tips :)