I'm a PC man but the general rules when using an ssd is to avoid writing tons of data to it as unlike a spinning platter hdd, the ssd can "wear out" as the nand it uses can only be written to and erased so many times.
Do you know what make and model ssd your system will come with?
....The way I'm intending to use the built-in HD's is to install the Mac OS on the SSD and possibly the Logic and Adobe Creative Suite applications on it but all the files/documents will be kept on the 1TB drive and only the 1TB drive backed up to external drives.
Apple don't/won't release the make/model of the SSD they offer in the iMac <

I have asked them. Surely it would only take someone to access the internals and spot some distinguishing info and it would become public via the net, so why the secrecy?
Either way I'm very excited about how this latest generation iMac will perform. 27"!! <

I've used the previous 21" version and that's pretty stunning