You beat me to it! I was about to start a new topic on it. There were some (most!) of very nicely modded VeeDubs there. In fact I don't remember seeing anything nasty at all.
Here are the pics I took : -

^ Very smart Bora - A very underrated VW. This one was very smart and with a matt black vinyl bonnet which looked black steel. Looked better in real life than this pic.

^ A stunning example of a Lupo GTI - A zillion times better than any Polo!

^ A very varied lineup.

^ Good to meet you, Martin

^ Mat turned up for a bit

- Very tasty burble on his Blueflame on tickover

^ Then my mate Dan turned up in his latest Mk1. He used to be a mechanic at my VW dealer and we first met when he PDI's my car back in 2005. It's done 155,000 miles and Dan has a few performance mods planned.

^ Unfortunately someone totally accidentally flicked up a pebble from their tyre and broke Dan's rear window. But he's got a spare and was totally unphased.