Got up this morn, got the car out and went to town centre to buy a few things. Lovely morning out and decide to pop home for a bit. On the way, i go down a small road. Some chump in a red car pulls left out of a car park on my right and stops at a funny angle. Obviously wants to turn to his right which is a small road on the left of me. Bear in mind I'm doing around 25mph, he pulls out behind me.
Fecker scrapes past me (i hear it) and he drives off. Expecting the worse, I pull over. Marks over the monza ii on the driver's rear and marks over the sill strip and door. Bumper ok.
I turn the car around but can't find him. Long gone.

Took the car to a local garage and it looks okay. Cosmetic damage only. Think the car seems okay to drive. Is there any way to assess whether there's damage to the rear axle?
Gutted that I had the car detailed last weekend.
I feel like giving an inters a miss.
Hope that barsteward doesn't come any where near me. I might end up being a bit unprofessional and unethical.