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Interested in Machine Polishing - Read These Guides!


Dave KG:
Below are links to pdf guides that I have written covering aspects of machine polishing either by Dual Action polisher (eg Meguiars G220, Porter Cable 7424) or by rotary polisher.  They are designed as download and print guides, but beware they are quite lengthy so printing may be expensive! 

They are essentially forming the basis of the book I am writing about machine polishing, so I welcome all feedback about the guides here and what you would like to see and how they could be improved.  And as always, if you've got any questions, just ask!   :happy2:

Rotary Polishing

Dual Aaction Polishing

Hey Dave KG,
that's a mega write up, i didn't read it all, but im gonna print it in work and read it on my flight over to NYC in 2 weeks, you get a mega  :happy2: from me!


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