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What did you and your MKV do today?

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This would be the place to post anything from a bath, a race, a new mod ordered or installed, a diy completed, or anything related to your day with your MKV.

So I'll get it started with what I did with my mkv yesterday. I took pics of the front end as I had just finished putting on its summer face.

Every summer I put on this upper grill with no L/P. My winter grill is the same but has the L/P.

Here's the pics I took, and my hope is that I'll see what you all have been up to with your MKV's.

Here we go;  :popcornsoda:


Loving the front end specially the badge that is awsome

Driveing it to Newark go kart track today!


--- Quote from: kawakcallum on June 12, 2011, 08:18:23 am ---Loving the front end specially the badge that is awsome

--- End quote ---
If you speak of mine, thank you. I took it apart and painted the inside red. Then I sprayed the VW logo flat black and then with Plasti-Dip.


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