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What did you and your MKV do today?

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Just managed to clean the interior..Then the rains came..

To further P1ss me off,Keano turned up in his freshly detailed,polished and gleaming motor. :notworthy:...You see he had the brains to do it yesterday..

I went on a spying mission in my golf to see Gulf's sexy beast! (and his car  :grin: )

And gave it a little correction work  :happy2:

dub singh:
Ordered my Calibre Vintage rims in a staggered fitment.. 9J rears  :wink:
Some fresh Falkens 452's with plenty of stretch
Sent off front bumpers plus SLC Splitter for some essential smoothing

Should all be on the car next week in time for DC  :wink:

Managed to give the car a good clean yesterday but now its peeing it down and has been all day!  :fighting:

Gave the interior a good clean and loaded some songs on my new RNS510 with an SD card, how i managed with just a cd-changer before i'll never know  :surprised:

Gave my wheels a thoroughly good clean and waxed the dishes to get em nice and shiney  :innocent:

Then it poured down so lucky i didnt wash the car  :signLOL:



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