Installed my NQSBBK along with new rotors and pads all round.
Went with plain Brembo rotors which I slotted myself. Got the calipers from Steve Strange Wreckers in U.K. which seemed to be the cheapest place. I chose these ones as a previous owner had already painted them red, albeit a poor job. They look ok on the outside that you can see once on the car and my car is hardly pristine so I just left them as they were.
Mounted them with the Vagbremtechnic adaptors and lines.
For pads I got Ferodo DS2500 as many people on here rate them highly plus they are available as a modified Boxster S pad that sweeps the whole 312mm rotor.
Although the calipers looked rather shabby, after complete disassembly I found that all seals and dust boots were good. I glad we don't salt the roads here in New Zealand as these were covered in it.
The pad retaining pins wouldn't even budge initially so after soaking with penetrating spray I got them out and used a media blaster to clean them and the pad springs.
Used the mill to take a mm off each of the posts.