I was replacing the front window cowl (pn:1K1 819 415)...along the bottom. I removed the wiper arms and noticed one wiper post cap (1J0 955 276 B) was missing and the other was cracked and are not available for replacement individually. There is now only a kit (1J0 955 456) with multiple parts in it...including the two 1J0 955 276 B. Most in the kit are not needed on the MK5, but cost $58usd here.
They are only debris shields and for dressing it up for visual appearance so to hide the post. I found two flat rubber washers/shims to fit over the posts and near the same diameter of the hole in the cowl for the two wiper posts, instead of ordering the kit.
Fits snug on the post and fills the cowl opening:

The brittle plastic bit that broke:

I have swapped out the flat rubber washers for something else.
I took two rubber caps (3/4"ID) and used brass metal tubing, cut to approx. 1-1/4" long and sharpened at one end, as a punch. I pressed the tube through the rubber cap from inside, using a vise, for the 12mm holes needed to slide down over each wiper post. Then cut the length of the caps down to no more than 8mm. They look better and should last longer.