Fitted a genuine 2019 BQ firmware CAN gateway from a Sharan, mainly to support the newer OPS (parking sensor) overlay on RVC on Discovery Media.
Also brings me the "Assist Systems" menu to my MFD which includes Driver Alert.
I pre coded the Installation List on the bench and didn't get any errors once fitted. I also disconnected Pin 12 on the gateway, which I understood would stop me getting module 61 - Battery Regulator appearing and throwing an error, but it still appears (Due to pin 12 being shorted to ground on older cars that the newer gateways were never intended for).
Fitting the Gateway was a PITA again (put and AN unit in 5 years ago) and I felt ill after being upside down in the footwell for the best part of an hour. I'd initially watched some Mk5 vids on YouTube and seen some people access it through a panel in the scuttle panel, which involved removing the wiper motor first, I though it was just a different way of accessing the same location, one from below and one from above; but it wasn't there, Odd!

New Menu Item

YouTube Expected location RHD car

Nothing for me

Anyhow, all done. I think this Gateway should see out the life of the car now :)