Crashed with a Volvo. 4 lane road, 2 on each side, we drive on the right. Left lane was a turn lane so everybody was stopped. I was looking in my right side mirror for the cars coming on the right lane to clear so I can pull out. There was an intersection on my right, slightly behind me, in a spot where I couldn't see it neither with my eyes, nor with my mirror. I have a tendency to floor my car and apparently so do Volvo drivers. Lady cut out of the intersection right at the same time the last car passed, I didn't see her so I cut out as well. Saw her car pass by my right hand side window, at which point I braked, but I still hit her rear left tire. She ran off so I went after her, gave her flashes and put my turn signals on right, till she pulled over.
We got out, I was thinking all this time that it was my fault so I went and checked on her first. Car was ok, rim had a few scratches but it's a stock rim so no biggie. Went and checked on mine: whole fender is covered in rubber marks, bumper is missing a piece around my foglight, it's cracked around 2 parts in the upper corner where it meets with the fender and the fender support is bent so the whole thing is out of place.
I think she thought she hit me because she said she didn't really feel anything and that she thought she just hit the curb. But because I was saying sorry, she must've thought I think it's my fault. We chatted for a sec, she didn't want anything to do with insurance or the police and me still thinking it was my fault, agreed to just carry on.

Came home, lifted the car, cleaned all the tire marks off with paint thinner. Paint came off on a few spots, fender isn't bent. Bought a new fender support arm and the 2 plastic parts that hold the bumper cause they were worn out due to me taking it off and putting it on all the time. 30 or so euros cost so far

Took the bumper to a buddy of mine who does bodyworks, said it can be repaired easily. We didn't discuss prices but I dont think patching, finishing, painting and lacquering is going to cost more than 150 euros tops. Paint and lacquer price included.
Rim also got scratched around the outer edge but it is what it is. not that visible unless you look from up close.