We took another trip up to the dealer to collect my high level rear brake light.
While I was there, I took the opportunity to discuss my recent service with the service manager as I had concerns that the tech had just went on a tick box spree, rather than actually doing some of the service. The thing that highlighted it to me was the fact that they are supposed to check all interior lights including the glove box. Well my glove box light hasn't worked for a couple of months when I was attempting the LED conversion and the tech had ticked it off to be all fine....!
All I did was point out to him that it undermines my confidence in the service as what else have they just ticked off without checking? Anyway, there wasn't much he could do/say other than promise to have a word with the tech in question. It was semi worth it, as I got this as a gesture of goodwill. Only problem is, it's not FST.