Right day off today, so got up and decided to give my car its first (pre) spring clean. Road trip last week up country when it was snowing means it was covered in salt and road grit / dirt....hence the before photo.


After a good few hours of washing, polishing, waxing, sealing, etc, etc, etc I got it back to its former glory.


My freshly polished bonnet
I had previously played with the rear lights to get the rear afterburner look. Wiring the rear inner lights up through the tailgate with the wiring for the rear wiper motor and back down to the rear light. Using the BMW 21w bulbs that most their new 3-Series use mean a night consistent glow throughout the rear light units. Sorry about the poor quality of this photo....done on my phone with the light getting dark. But you get the point.....!

Rear afterburner lights