That's good, i'm not the only one it happened to then 
Anyway it was problem sorted once my pipe was back on. You've obviously got other problems going on there. Couldn't say what though. Good luck with that!
forgot to press post before i went to bed last night!
well i got my washers working ok again. seem ok for now. will have to test and see how they go.
Over the last few days - got a problem with my Radiator fans..... so had a trip to VW to price them up and they were £150 for small one and £250 for big one. so after they picked me up off the floor the guy in the parts department said he had some upstairs that were an order but never picked up. so i took those fans away and tried them but they werent coming on at all.

the next ay i got my friend to check the car out and it turns out that disconnecting the fans and turning the ignition on meant it registered a fault on the circuit and stopped giving power to the fans once they were reconnected. he did a vag com test on the fans and both span up fine.
he wiped the codes and then turned the car on and got it up to temp. Interestingly the car registered 90 degrees but on the computer it only said 75. even when the temp went to 100 it still read 90. the fans kicked in and all was well so took key out, and tried not to burn myself putting the fan back in (with help of my brother) and also trying not to snap my ice cold fingers off in the process finally put it back together. seems the fans behave completley different when theyre both working! turns out that i wasnt getting teh car hot enough on my "TEST" so the fans remained off. its just i didnt want to break the engine by letting it overheat!
all is well now tho, except i broke the connector tab when taking it off so have another one to replace from VW at just under £5. the connector is solid and as a precaution have zip tied it!