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What did you and your MKV do today?

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--- Quote from: TrickGTI on June 12, 2011, 09:00:54 am ---Driveing it to Newark go kart track today!

--- End quote ---
Good racing today. Getting vids?

I took my Cannondale for a good thrashing round the country side while the car is sat feeling sorry for itself getting a rather nice new big turbo.


Yesterday, changed the pollen filter and ran some aircon cleaner through the car.

Today I tried to take out some of the marks left when some twonk hit my car yesterday.

Saint Steve:

Anyone dare to try an overtake on me, gets these  :laugh:

Phil Miller:
Well yesterday I cleaned the dash and ordered my CCM and had it confirmed that Friday I will have a highline 30byte cecm on it's way

Today damian is fitting my TPMS wiring and if it stops raining I will give her a nice hot bath


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