Driving to an appointment this morning with my hands free headset on, mobile rang and I picked it up to press the answer button......little did I know that an eagle eyed police sergeant was standing at the top of the hill I was travelling down and straight onto his radio to his colleagues doing spot checks at the bottom of the hill telling them I was texting on my mobile!!
The friendly PCSO pulled me over as I wound down my window and ended the call was told why he had pulled me over.
I proceeded in telling him I wasn't texting and simply picked up the call and had my headset on!

He checked my call and message log which confirmed I did not pick up a message/text and could see the call received, however he got onto the radio to his sergeant who insisted on giving me a ticket - £60 and 3 points.....thanks very much

Im going to contest this but wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience and managed to get theirs overturned?