*(Taken From my build thread in members rides)*
Today I mostly...
Replaced the Diverter Valve. My car has been feeling sluggish and down on power. I was also getting a hissing sound in the cockpit.
This is the brand new DV, I have gone for the G revision, after reading the reviews on here, if it's not good I'm gonna blame you lot

DSCN2357 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
The easiest access is through the wheel arch, so off with the alloy. Unclip the connector and undo 3 5M allen key bolts and...
DSCN2359 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
Voila...one very split and sorry for itself DV!! This top part just fell out, it had obviously had enough!
DSCN2360 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
As you can see very split! I'm surprised it held any boost at all!
DSCN2362 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
This has been on the car from new, nearly 10 years, I'm not surprised it's knackered!
DSCN2363 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
New shiny upgraded rubber diaphragm, ready to go in.
DSCN2364 by
Roger Freeman, on Flickr
After fitting, I went for a test drive and what a difference!! All the ponies have returned to the stable. It pulls strong all the way to the redline and is so,so much quicker, feels like a different car now!