Fitted these to the back of my TDI 4Motion

Zimmermann Zcoat 310mm discs, refurbed calipers and brembo pads

A bit on the small side...

Much better, though couldn't fit the splash shields
I was trying to be clever and thought that R32 splash shields would fit straight on because I had a 4Motion, but it appears my hubs a different (apart from just being cast iron), as they attach in 5 places rather than just 3 and won't fit at all, so I am running without for now. I do have the alloy R32 rear hubs in the shed, so will do those at a later date. I had to revisit the brake bleeding a 2nd time, as the handbrake wouldn't work properly and they were spongy initially, but I'll maybe cover my "one man method" in another post.
All in all very happy, as they look a lot better through the wheels, even though the whole car could do with a clean

Hopefully the front 350mm 6 pot Brembos will go on next few weeks. One more thing ticked off the list before my Darkside turbo upgrade...
PS. Don't laugh at the tyres, they came with the wheels and were too cheap to resists for genuine Audi Rotors.