Fitted a new VibratorTechniques dogbone mount and the TyrolSport Deadset today.
I bought a spare subframe from ebay and fitted the mount in advance because the old one didn't look like it would ever come out again, and I was right! Glad I bought a spare SF now. Would have wasted half the day getting the old one out.
It's a really old one (previous owner fitted it), probably 5 or 6 years at least and falling apart. The nut has detached from the rubber and turning on itself, so could only get the bolt hand tight instead of the specified required 100nm + 90 degs, so the torque link was loose and clonking. It's fooked.

Must be a really old one as it doesn't have the ARB recess like the current mount does, and it isn't gold, so probably a VWR one.

Put a new torque link on as well. Only £39 from VW.

And the deadset. Quite possibly the most horrific job I've done on the car to date. Really sucks doing it on stands, but I wanted to do it to learn what it's all about. Took about 5 hours! Would only take an hour or 2 tops on a lift. The Tyrol bits are circled in red for those who aren't familiar with it. Basically the 6 bolts that attach to the car body.
It really is a finely engineered kit and the precision of it is what makes it such a horrendous job on stands. Very very easy to cross thread a bolt and everything is loaded, so lots of levering and swearing involved. Worth it though. All clunks gone. The aligment didn't change much, pulls to the left very slightly but otherwise feels solid on the road