Fuel filter done yesterday. Bit of a pig to do as the single screw that holds it had rusted, so had to drill it out. The fuel that came out of it was black so looks like it was a worthwhile job at 152K
Took mine to some backstreet garage yesterday for K04 conversion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I received my new ED30 DSG shifter today...not going to install it right away because there is still life left in the original one. Just ordered it because ECS only had one and VW showed only three left in the US. I just refinished the gear select plate on the original GTI shifter, but that job got me thinking it may be time to look into getting the ED30 because I always wanted one for when it was time to refresh it. The ED30 wasn't available here, as you may know, but this shifter was also on the MK6 Golf R DSG. Anyway, just happy to get one before finding one were impossible.
Quote from: ljc19630 on August 18, 2019, 10:38:30 pmTook mine to some backstreet garage yesterday for K04 conversion Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkNice Louie, finally there mate! How’s it going.. all done? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk