For more context, I fitted new from VAG injectors 60K ago and have run V Power exclusively ever since. In the last 20K or so, it developed a lumpy, spluttery cold start, lumpy warm up and a rough, unsettled hot idle.....but typically, it never triggered any misfire or lean/rich running codes.
It got REALLY bad in the last 2000 miles or so due to shorter COVID journeys. It started almost stalling at junctions and felt like it was running on 3 cylinders occasionally.
So anyway, I shoved in the LiquiMoly as as above, just as an experiment and it's cheap stuff. I did an initial 2 cans in half a tank dose to shift the crud, and literally within 100 miles, it totally smoothed out and it's been like that ever since.
Other symptoms were hunting on part throttle around town, excessive black smoke in boost and just generally very flat and unresponsive off boost.
Since using that stuff, it's been a torquey, wheel spinning beast.
If you don't notice any difference using it, your injectors aren't clogged

I have a hunch this stuff also cleans the piston crowns as throttle response is also much improved. After a few more cans I'll stick the borescope down there and report back.