Not done today but a few days ago.
Installed new springs...this is the fourth set I'm trying in the fourteen years with the MK5.
I had Eibach Sportlines(too high in the front compared to the back)__then H&R Super Sport(a bit lower in front and still lower in the back)__left the front H&R on and added H&R Street Performance coil-over springs in back(to raise the back a bit higher than the front). It had a FTG measurement of 23-7/8" in front and 24" FTG in back__and just installed Whiteline springs a few days ago and got it sitting perfect today. It is now 25-1/4" FTG in front and 25-1/2" FTG in back (FTG is fender to ground).
I chose Whiteline WSK-VWN002 springs for a number of reasons.
1) I got tired of scraping entering and exiting lots. Each time was a pause and study event.
2) The ride, always paired with Bilstein B8 dampers, was a constant keeping a watch for potholes.
3) I discovered the core support was cracked. I suppose from a front end scrape or I possibly did this putting the front end up onto a parking block.
4) Front springs are linear.
5) Spring rates are 31 N/mm front__40 N/mm rear. This would allow me to reset the rear ARB to the next softer setting and still remain quite flat when cornering.
6) I am almost 59 yrs now and cool isn't a thing for me any longer...hasn't been for some time now.

So far I am relieved with the results and it is much nicer to drive and the response is quite noticeably quicker and enjoyable. Will get to more...just cannot push it much for the waiting on replacing the K04 with a new one(might be this coming summer). Getting a bit of smoke these past few months when I give it some, been taking it easy on it lately.
This was before with the pre-Whiteline set-up...was quite low and the stiffness of the rear ARB would pick the tire up off the ground entering the slightest incline.